Body Butters

Our body butters are made with 7 all-natural ingredients. It leaves your skin feeling hydrated and smooth without irritating your skin. 

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Pamper Guide!

If you want to know a way to pamper yourself a little and take the stress out of your body, today I will explain step by step how to perform a relaxing and soothing self-massage!  

2023 new year goals

Bringing in the New Year

As the New Year approaches, many of us think about what we want to accomplish in the coming year. Whether it’s getting in shape, finding a new job, or simply being more organized, setting goals is a great way to focus our energy and make the most of our time.

Butters vs Creams vs Lotions

Butters are usually made of carrier oils and butter that come from natural ingredients, such as palm, shea, cocoa, among others. 

The Secret to Healthy & Beautiful Skin?

Our face is the first thing people notice when they meet us and having healthy, and younger-looking skin is what everyone wishes for.

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